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Italy and Malta
Winter 2007On The Way to Malta

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This was my first time in Malta, when Ryanair opened the Pisa-Malta route for some really low cost prices.

I flew with EasyJet from Paris to Pisa and on with Ryanair to Malta Luqa Airport.

The stop in Pisa was quick, only a couple of hours. That's because I didn't have any check-in lugage.
So, I just went to Ryanair's check-in counter and boarded my next flight.

Ryanair 737 in Pisa Airport

It was quite late when I got to Malta-Luqa Airport and there was no more public transport. I had to take a taxi to the town of Xemxija, where I've found a cheap hotel for 3 nights.

There's a huge seasonal difference on hotel prices in Malta: Temperatures don't drom that much in Malta during wintertime, but hotel prices do! The same room that costs more a 100€ per night in summer, will cost about 30€ in winter.

The Pisa Airport


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